
Accommodations & Food



At Jõekääru, all of the campers stay in cabins that house anywhere from 5 - 20 campers. The majority of camper beds are bunkbeds (with rails for the top bunks in the youngest campers' cabins). There are cabinets for campers' personal items (flashlights, toothbrushes, small toys), and their clothing and luggage is stored in a back room. Located outside are clotheslines and hooks to hang wet bathing suits and towels. The counselors sleep in small rooms off of the main cabin space. A counselor is always present and responsible for the campers. There are also outdoor washroom facilities that are to be used during the day. All of the cabins have fans and some have ping pong tables.



The head chef at Jõekääru works to ensure that the meals that are served at Camp follow Canada's food guide. A wide variety of foods are served that appeal to kids - wraps, pastas, burgers, stir fries, hot dogs, salads and fresh vegetables at each meal. Food at every meal is served either buffet style or family style on platters; campers eat with their counsellors at family-style tables. Meal times are a time to connect, share and laugh! After lunch fresh fruit is always served, and after dinner, there is often a special treat. Snacks of fresh-baked goods or fruits are also served in the afternoon, as well as an occasional evening treat. Campers may help themselves to as many helpings as they would like, while quantities last. Campers are encouraged to try just a little bit of everything that is served.


**Please note that we are a nut-aware facility, and that we are happy to speak with parents of children with special food diets (e.g., gluten-free, lactose intolerant, vegetarian, etc.)


JK Alumni Camp 2024
National Estonian Foundation of Canada


Our operations are assisted through the generous charitable donations of people like you through an Agency Agreement with the Estonian Foundation of Canada!


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   ( 705 ) 228-8173 [during camp]
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